Winners: Fred Astaire Dance Studio West Coast Dance Championships

The contrast between casual relaxation and vibrant pleasure captures the spirit of Havana, Cuba in many minds. It’s a city of historic, pastel architecture perched on the edge of the ocean with palm trees swaying in the background. Afternoons offer quiet, soothing opportunities to sit by the sea sipping classic rum beverages and donning a… Read More

The Brazilian Carnival: The Greatest (Dance) Show on Earth

It’s Brazilian Carnival Time! The flashy and vibrant five-day annual event may not be as well-known in the U.S., but the dance it’s centered around is — the Samba. If you’re a fan of Dancing with the Stars, you are no stranger to Samba. This type of dance is sexy and mesmerizing, which makes it… Read More

Happy International Choreographers Day!

If you’ve ever seen a dance performance, whether in an elegant theatre or on a small stage, you have witnessed the work of a dedicated choreographer. As the so-called “directors of dance,” choreographers are responsible for creating movement that captures the imagination and inspires both dancers and audiences alike. Through artistic expression, choreographers illustrate stories,… Read More

Dance Through 2018 in Style with These New Year’s Resolutions

We all know gyms will be crowded in January, packed with people determined to work off those holiday pounds. Others may be more focused on finding new friends, picking up a hobby, or spending more time with that special someone. Whatever your New Year’s resolution may be, chances are you can make it happen by… Read More

The Swing of Things: Dance into the New Year

Will you dance into the New Year? As we prepare to ring in the new year, many of us will give considerable thought to the resolutions we plan to adopt in 2018. Although we pledge ourselves to these newfound commitments on the first of January, so many of us struggle to stay motivated throughout the… Read More