The Swing of Things: Focusing on Family

As hectic as the holiday season may be with ever-growing to-do lists, this time of year inspires great family moments and fosters traditions that last a lifetime. Whether you spend the holidays prancing around the dinner table or in the studio with your dance family, remember to hold your loved ones tight and celebrate your… Read More

The Dog Days Are Here – And Boy, Can They Dance!

The Dog Days of August are almost upon us, which can mean unbearable heat and humidity. Of course, the heat doesn’t have to ruin your day. Take a break from the outdoors and spend some time cooling off by watching these talented pups dance the day away! This Dog in Brazil Can Cut a Rug… Read More

The Swing of Things: When Dance and Sports Collide

The overlap between professional sports and dance grows larger each passing day. Professional athletes, especially those who play the most popular sports in America, often have a reputation for being brawny and brutal bruisers. But cross-training is an important part of enhancing athletic skills like agility, strength and flexibility, and dance is the perfect way… Read More