Let’s Scare Up Some Spooky Dance Moves

In some ways, Halloween and dancing have a lot in common. Both can feature some pretty fantastic costumes, and both can give the participants a chance to step outside of themselves for a little while. Whether you’re dancing the tango or two-stepping across a sawdust floor, dancing gives you a chance to escape your ordinary… Read More

The Swing of Things: A Recipe for Dancing

Need a recipe for dancing? You have to follow some basic instructions, but in the end, it’s the personal bits and pieces that make it great. A little bit of this and a little bit of that makes for a great dish and a great dance. As it turns out, it also makes for a… Read More

Let’s “Slip” Into Fall Y’all!

Oh, those dancing fails! If you want to make an omelet, you’ll have to break a few eggs. The same can be said with dance. The pursuit of perfection (or just plain fun!) is often fraught with failures. Who hasn’t taken a tumble or suffered a slip? There’s no doubt that our beloved Fred had… Read More

The Swing of Things: National Bow Tie Day

Yep, National Bow Tie Day really is a thing. According to the National Bow Tie Day Website (also a thing!), “Once a year, every August 28th, thousands of men, women, & house pets all around the globe come together to celebrate an often under-appreciated accessory — the bow tie.” For years the bow tie lived… Read More