We’ve watched celebrities like Donny Osmond, Apollo Ohno and Emmitt Smith take home the mirror ball trophy on “Dancing With the Stars”…and their skills are nothing short of amazing!
Let’s face it– most guys are not celebrities with professional dance partners. So why should the average man feel confident enough to let loose on the dance floor? And what does dancing do for a man’s physical, mental and emotional health? Here’s a look at why a real man should dance, and why it’s so good for his body and mind.
Askmen.com says there are multiple reasons for real men to learn to dance:
- Women want a man who participates, not watches from the sidelines.
- It’s a great ice-breaker
- It helps project confidence
- Women may correlate dance performance to other types of male prowess
- Dancing can be seriously fun!
Doctors actually study the benefits of dancing, and the findings are pretty interesting!
British dance psychologist Peter Lovatt, aka Dr. Dance, researches how dance can affect mood and well-being. He uses that data to help men get over ‘dance dread’, in various social settings. This former-dancer-turned-psychologist says alpha males actually move differently on the dance floor than men with lower testosterone. But he says confidence is more important than style when it comes to impressing a dance partner.
Interestingly, his research at the University of Hertfordshire shows that men’s confidence on the dance floor actually surges after the age of 65! Dr. Lovatt says older men have a relaxed confidence in the way they move, because they don’t feel the pressure to “peacock”, or show off the way they did in their younger years. Just check out the swagger on this guy—who is in his 80’s!
There’s also the mood piece.
Studies show dancing can help reduce symptoms of a number of medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, anxiety and depression.
Dance classes can help foster a sense of well-being and help improve the quality of life of someone suffering from social isolation or problems with stress management.
Researchers also report larger reductions in depression and more vitality among those who danced for 10 weeks…versus those who took music-only or exercise-only classes. The data supports the theory that dancers gain a sense of community, well-being, joy, and the thrill of mastering a new skill. It’s a victory on many fronts.
Want to get the man in your life on the dance floor? The professionals at Fred Astaire Dance Studio are ready you how to move! Call, stop by, or visit fredastaire.com for more details.