Watch Tom Hanks dance his way through Carly Rae Jepsen’s new music video. How Carly Rae Jepsen scored Tom Hanks for her music video, we don’t know. But who cares how? She did. And he’s amazing (as always). Watch him take us through his day, dancing the whole time.
Square Dancing May Become Nevada’s Official Dance. The nation’s square dancing numbers have been in decline for the past few decades, but Nevada is working to reverse this trend. A bill has passed the assembly in Nevada, which would make square dance its official state dance.
Island “Footloose?” Rules against dancing on Maui Dancing is legal in Maui, but only in designated locations. While at a drinking establishment, dancing must be conducted on a dance floor; not next to it, not near the bar nor even while waiting for the bathroom. According to the County of Maui Department of Liquor Control, any establishment that holds a liquor license must also possess a permit for dancing.
100-year-old belly dancer still shakes it in Florida Kay Furst is 100 years old, though she says she doesn’t feel like it. She began dancing 70 years ago, practicing her moves while working in her shop as a hairdresser. Today, she still belly dances at the Palm Beach senior homes in Florida.
You go, baby! Dad vs. son in epic dance-off Dad, Robert Diovin Atengco, believes his son learned all his moves by listening to jazz music, while still in the womb. This adorable video shows both dad and son taking turns dancing, in what can only be described as the cutest dance-off of the year.