It’s that time of year again, when the madness begins and brackets are broken. Some call it the “Big Dance,” and we do, too. Sure, you could spend your time analyzing schedules, rosters and coaches, or you could use that time to watch some of the all-time greatest college basketball dance performances.
Playing sports can be an emotional experience — the lows of losing during the final shot and the highs of sinking the basket as time expires. Plus, the roller coaster of feelings these athletes ride all game long. It’s no surprise some of them turn to dance to release the influx of endorphins, adrenaline and excitement.
In honor of the NCAA Tournament, we’ve compiled our favorite four college basketball dance videos. Call it the final four, because we want your help to pick the best. Visit our Facebook page and vote on your favorite video. They’ll stay up on our pages until the tournament is over, and the winner will be entered into the Fred Astaire Dance Studio College Basketball Dance Hall of Fame, an organization and title we just made up, but impressive nonetheless.
So watch these four videos, and let us know who has the best moves, and who’s destined to lose.