To highlight National Healthy Weight Week, call Fred Astaire Dance Studios to schedule a dance lesson to lose weight and have fun improving your physical fitness.
As the new year rolls in, people resolve to shed excess weight. More than 41% of American adults are obese, and only 24.2% of adults meet the physical activity guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC recommends adults get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, as well as strength training. Obesity increases the risk of developing arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. It’s also associated with increased rates of depression, strokes, and certain types of cancer.
Launched in 1994, National Healthy Weight Week kicks off the third week of January and is designed to remind people to retain their resolutions to improve their physical fitness and follow a healthy diet. National Healthy Weight Week proponents recommend skipping fad diets and implementing sustainable solutions. In addition to drinking more water and eating off a smaller plate, explore new exercise options to meet your health goals.
Dancing Improves Physical Fitness
Jogging, riding the exercise bike, and swimming laps are effective ways to reach your weight goals, but they do not always spark joy. It is possible to get a workout and have fun simultaneously. Instead of pounding the pavement or riding a bike to nowhere, consider taking a dance lesson to lose weight.
A dance lesson at Fred Astaire Dance Studios is a low-impact workout designed to help burn calories, improve muscle strength, and boost flexibility. While learning the steps to waltz, tango, and foxtrot, you will also improve your heart health, lower blood pressure, and potentially reduce your risk for dementia. Our certified dance instructors strive to create a fun, welcoming atmosphere for people of all ages and at all stages of their fitness journey.
Big Screen Motivation
If you need some inspiration to help put you in a weight loss mindset, we’ve got some documentary movie choices that can help increase your motivation and encourage you to start implementing healthy habits as National Healthy Weight Week arrives.
In the documentary “Fed Up,” filmmaker Stephanie Soechtig and journalist Katie Couric research obesity in America and the role the food industry plays to exacerbate the problem.
The 2017 documentary, “Limitless” is designed to help inspire potential runners by showcasing the stories of female runners in India.
“The Illusionists” promotes body positivity by showcasing how the media commodifies the female body and sets up unattainable standards.
Start Dancing at FADS!
Take a dance lesson to lose weight and have fun at FADS. Contact your local Fred Astaire Dance Studios location to learn more about our introductory offer and learn how to trip the light fantastic.