How to Spice Up Your Relationship with Ballroom Dancing

Ballroom dancing is an incredible activity to spice up your relationship, regardless of skill or fitness level. Not only is dancing a tremendous social activity, but it’s beneficial for your heart, too – both physically and romantically! According to, a dancer can burn anywhere from 250 to 400 calories in an hour. That’s roughly… Read More

The Most Romantic Dances for The Most Romantic Month

If you were to ask 50 people what the most romantic dances are, you would probably get 50 different answers. Dance is an art, and just like art, it is subject to individual taste and interpretation. From the soft and fluttery arm movements to the sensuous and pulsing hip sways, dance is about connection: connection… Read More

Dances to Know for Your Holiday Parties

With the holiday season in full swing, you may have a few parties on the calendar this month.  A great way to balance out those holiday treats is to move the mixing and a’mingling on to the dance floor.  And believe it or not, many Christmas songs are perfect for ballroom dancing.  So, put down… Read More

Why Women Love The Gift of Ballroom Dancing Lessons

As much as we all love getting down and shakin’ our tail feathers when no one is watching, there’s something wonderful and delightfully irresistible about dancing with others. It’s no surprise that dancing is good for physical health, but more and more women are beginning to realize that the gift of ballroom dancing can also… Read More