Etiquette for Everyone: Some Ballroom Basics

For many people, ballroom dancing brings up images of a time from the past; when every gentleman had a tuxedo in the wardrobe and every lady knew how to waltz. These days, ballroom dancing can bring some of those feelings of graciousness and good manners back to life, but let’s not think it’s an activity… Read More

The Swing of Things: Boogie Down Edition

What do a yodeling cowboy, a top-rated video game, dancing cows, and an all-nighter in a nearly deserted airport all have in common? They’re all viral video hits and highlight the creativity and joy that song and dance bring out in people. Let’s get started!   From Walmart to the Grand Ole Opry You’d have… Read More

Five Things Your Tax Refund Can Buy That Might Surprise You

OK, we admit it! It’s even hard for us to get excited about paying taxes.  All of those forms to fill out, the confusion, the deadline pressures; it’s hard for anybody to find the silver lining in that. But there is something to look forward to if you’re part of the roughly 80 percent of… Read More

On National Siblings Day, Our Favorite Dancing Duos!

They can drive you crazy and keep you sane — all on the same day! We’re talking about siblings. Our brothers and sisters are usually the people we establish our first intense relationships with. Support and closeness can often go hand in hand with conflict and competition among siblings, but the world is starting to… Read More

How Ballroom Dancing Beats Stress

It’s true! Ballroom dancing beats stress! Stress is a natural part of life and like so many things, having too much of it isn’t a good thing. Sometimes people aren’t even aware of the stress they’re under; it flows just below the surface of our awareness like a heartbeat. In fact, stress is so common… Read More