Remembering Debbie Reynolds, the dancer

Debbie Reynolds, one of the biggest stars in Hollywood in the 1950s and 60s, died less than 24 hours after her daughter, Carrie Fisher. Debbie Reynolds was one of musical theatre’s pioneers, and her peers were some of the biggest and brightest stars of the industry. We’d like to honor Debbie Reynolds by looking back… Read More

The Swing of Things: Celebrating 100 Years of Samba

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the first Samba song ever recorded — the moment when the Samba music and dance style changed dance history forever. As we celebrate such an old and iconic dance style, lets take some time to celebrate new styles of dance as well. 100 Years of Samba The traditional… Read More

Happy Birthday, Walt Disney!

Walt Disney was a revolutionary artist and businessman who created a legacy that has transcended eras. His art has defined the childhoods of dreamers from nearly every living generation, and that alone should be enough to make him an indelible piece of our cultural history. He also worked to innovate design and animation, putting both… Read More

The Original Mannequin Challenge

The Mannequin Challenge is the latest trend taking the internet by storm. It’s as simple as it sounds – a group of people stand frozen in place, as if they were going about their day when time stopped, much like mannequins in department stores. This trend has gone viral over the past few weeks, and… Read More