Dancing helps veterans combat PTSD

Veterans re-acclimating to civilian life are taking note of new research that suggests dancing helps veterans combat PTSD.   Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat. Approximately 12 percent of Gulf War veterans suffer from PTSD and up to 20 percent… Read More

National Ballroom Dance Week Draws Crowds, Showcases Sport

If you hear the strains of Salsa music over the next few days, make sure to look up from your phone, because you are in for a treat. To celebrate National Ballroom Dance Week, flash mobs will be popping up across the country performing the Salsa.   In case you’re not familiar with this engaging… Read More

The Swing of Things: Back-to-School Edition

It’s August, and for a lot of families that means only one thing: BACK TO SCHOOL! Now that can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your personal perspective, but for us here at Fred Astaire Dance Studios it means a lot of things. It means that we’re starting to see an… Read More

Should I Major in Dance?

As you watch your children grow, you have so many hopes and dreams for them. You imagine what their life will be like… what you hope their life will become. As the years pass and the idea of college begins to loom large, one of the most challenging decisions for many students is deciding on… Read More