Why Spring is a Great Time to Learn to Dance

Ahh, spring. Love is in the air, and the Earth feels renewed. New life bursts forth, and many of us take the newly-warm weather as a sign to come out of our winter hibernation. For some of us, that means deep-cleaning our homes and airing everything out. For others, it means breaking out the outdoor… Read More

Why Ballroom Dancing Is the Most Romantic Thing Couples Can Do Together

Valentine’s Day: Some people love it, some people hate it. But no matter how you feel about the holiday, the fact remains that it’s probably the most romantic day of the year in the U.S. The average American spends about $146.84 on gifts every Valentine’s Day to make their significant others feel loved, adding up… Read More

Who Would Love To Get the Gift of Dance this Holiday Season?

This holiday season, give the gift of dance! Toys and trinkets will be lost and forgotten in no time at all, but dance is a life-long journey. Dance is good for the mind, body and soul, so give the gift that has inherent value and is sure to bring your loved one great joy. Nothing… Read More

Why Fall Is the Best Season to Learn Ballroom Dancing

While the summer feels like it has lasted forever, it won’t be long before the leaves begin to change, signaling the start of fall. With the autumn leaves will come cooler weather and seasonal traditions that make the season so magical. If you’ve ever considered trying out ballroom dance, we at Fred Astaire Dance Studios… Read More