How to Feast Like a Dancer at Thanksgiving

Turkey. Potatoes, mashed or sweet. Gravy. Cranberries. Rolls. More gravy. Whatever your family traditionally eats for Thanksgiving, chances are the turkey won’t be the only thing stuffed during the evening meal. So how can you tame the temptation to overeat on the holiday devoted to devouring platefuls of food? Fortunately, there’s plenty of advice for… Read More

Reasons Why Real Men Dance

We’ve watched celebrities like Donny Osmond, Apollo Ohno and Emmitt Smith take home the mirror ball trophy on “Dancing With the Stars”…and their skills are nothing short of amazing!       Let’s face it– most guys are not celebrities with professional dance partners.  So why should the average man feel confident enough to let… Read More

Battling Breast Cancer in the Ballroom

You can’t blink without seeing pink these days, and that’s a GOOD thing, now that National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in full swing.  Every October, organizations work hard to spread the word about the disease that afflicts one in eight American women, and is the second leading cause of cancer death among women.  Still,… Read More

Five Things Your Tax Refund Can Buy That Might Surprise You

OK, we admit it! It’s even hard for us to get excited about paying taxes.  All of those forms to fill out, the confusion, the deadline pressures; it’s hard for anybody to find the silver lining in that. But there is something to look forward to if you’re part of the roughly 80 percent of… Read More