Beat the Winter Blues on the Dance Floor

Feeling sad? Depressed? Down in the dumps? It’s called the winter blues, and you’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), caused by low levels of light during the cold, winter months. Research has shown exercise can help, and dancing may be one of the best forms of exercise. Besides, what’s… Read More

Research agrees: Ballroom Dancing is one of the best ways to get in shape

Did you know that an estimated 80 percent of the New Year’s resolutions crowd drops their gym membership by the second week of February?* That’s why more and more people are getting their fitness fix on the ballroom dance floor! Once again, the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual survey lists “the combination of weight loss… Read More

Learn to Dance: Reducing Falls, Improving Balance

We’ve already talked about the brain benefits you gain from learning to dance, so now we’re here to share with you a physical benefit of dancing you may not know about! Dancing has proven to be an amazing way for people to strengthen their muscles and become more aware of how their bodies move. As… Read More

Brain Games: Learning to Dance Keeps You Young

Anyone who has seen an episode of “Dancing With the Stars” knows that dancing is hard work. Dancing has long been viewed as an excellent way to stay active and physically fit, but a new study shows that dancing may also be a great way to keep our brains in shape! Recently, major studies* have… Read More