Dancing and Heart Health: National Wear Red Day

  Every 80 seconds a woman dies of heart disease or stroke, yet many Americans still see these as ailments that only affect older men. For fourteen years, National Wear Red Day has been bringing awareness to the number one killer of women: heart disease. In fact, 80 percent of heart attacks and strokes are… Read More

How Dancers Handle the Holiday Buffet

The turkey, the ham, the pie — and the pounds. Overindulging in holiday food can derailing your training and make it even harder to reach your goals. How do the world’s best professional dancers stay on “track,” while still enjoying the holiday season? Read on for some tips! Tip 1: Move before the feast! Don’t… Read More

Dancing and Dementia: Why Use Ballroom Dancing to Stay Sharp?

  In today’s world, more than 47.5 million people suffer from dementia, and 7.7 million new cases are diagnosed each year. Dementia typically affects the elderly and is characterized by memory loss, disorientation, anxiety and general mental decline. Often with dementia, the synapses and neural pathways in the brain begin deteriorating, leading to generalized confusion… Read More