Roaring 20s Revival: Learn to Foxtrot

As the kids start school and summer ends, brush up on your dance skills and spend quality time with your significant other by helping Fred Astaire Dance Studios revive a dance that took center stage in the 1920s. Donning a flapper-style dress is up to you.   The foxtrot was introduced to the ballroom dance… Read More

Do-Si-Do Your Way to Good Health

If the last time you practiced square dancing was in third grade gym class, celebrate National Square Dance Month in September, and get in shape by swinging your partner and learning to do-si-do.   September marks National Square Dance Month. Square dancing hails from 17th century Europe, and the colonization of America brought square dancing… Read More

Swing of Things: Hit the Dance Floor ‘Just Because’

It’s time for you to change the trajectory of 2020. Throw caution to the wind and get in the swing of things by tackling a new hobby designed to improve your physical fitness and boost your mental health.   As Americans cope with teleworking, remote schooling and social distancing guidelines, everyday decisions weigh heavily. Simply… Read More

Dancing Helps Kids Cope with New Normal

Adding a dance class to your child’s new daily routine can help improve their physical and mental health as the school year begins.   Parents and kids across America are gearing up for what promises to be a unique and challenging school year. While many children will start the year from their dining room tables,… Read More

Keeping Romance Alive Strengthens Relationship

If keeping the spark alive in your marriage has taken a back burner to the demands of children, work and coping with the pandemic, make August the month to step up your game in the romance department. August marks National Romance Month, and it’s a great time for couples to reconnect and focus on their… Read More