Dancing as Social Media Art

When most people think of art, they think of museums full of paintings, galleries lined with statues, or even the runways of Paris teeming with lavish designs. But there is no doubt that art can be found in dance, whether it be on the stages of the American Ballet Theatre, the silver screen of a… Read More

Our Favorite Dancing Mom Videos

A lot of people will credit their parents for nurturing their love for dancing. For some children, it’s a natural part of growing up. If your house was always full of music and movement during your childhood, chances are your own home is now chez cha-cha!   As we gather to celebrate the moms out… Read More

Dance Takes Center Stage in World of Physical Therapy

Our passion for ballroom dancing takes almost as many forms as there are types of dance. There’s the artistry, the community, the competitiveness, and the entertainment of it, but that’s not all. The physicality of the movements, the rhythm, the balance: they all come together to keep our bodies in motion and in turn, healthier.… Read More

The Swing of Things: Swinging Into Spring

The skies are impossibly blue, the trees are leafing green, and the breezes smell of freshness and flowers. It’s the sights, sounds and smells of spring! We’re just going to ignore the pollen because we love to focus on the positive here at Fred Astaire Dance Studio, and we don’t need that kind of negativity… Read More

Baseball and Ballroom: Two Great American Pastimes

Many people don’t realize just how many similarities there are between ballroom dancing and… baseball. Yes, we said baseball! Consider this: they both require a degree of grace, fast feet, and to win you have to hit it out of the park sometimes!   And that’s not all. You won’t just see hot dogs, homers,… Read More