Start a new Thanksgiving tradition on the dance floor

Fred Astaire Dance Studios is showing its gratitude this holiday season by offering people the opportunity to start a unique Thanksgiving tradition. Stop by a local studio and learn a ballroom dance inspired by the popular centerpiece of the holiday meal —the “turkey trot.”   Thanksgiving is a holiday built on traditions. Americans gather with… Read More

Dancing helps veterans combat PTSD

Veterans re-acclimating to civilian life are taking note of new research that suggests dancing helps veterans combat PTSD.   Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat. Approximately 12 percent of Gulf War veterans suffer from PTSD and up to 20 percent… Read More

Dance Off Extra Calories from Halloween Candy

As the Halloween sugar rush fades and the number on the scale sinks in, ditch the treadmill and sign up for a ballroom dancing class to get in shape this winter and dance off extra calories.   Thirty minutes of salsa dancing can burn up to 200 calories, according to the Calorie Control Council, an… Read More

Fred Astaire Fun Facts: Choreographing a Formula for Film Fame

Like the precise steps of the waltz or the cha-cha, many of Fred Astaire’s beloved films follow a formula that brought him fame and fortune in Hollywood. In this edition of Fred Astaire Fun Facts, we learn more about that formula.   Fred Astaire became a musical icon under the direction of producer Pandro S.… Read More

Kids Will Dance for National Child Health Day

Celebrate National Child Health Day by turning up the music and encouraging your kids to take a spin around the dance floor.   President Calvin Coolidge started the annual celebration of children’s health in 1928, and on the first Monday of October every year, a similar presidential proclamation encourages healthcare agencies and everyday Americans to… Read More