Our Favorite Dancing Mom Videos

A lot of people will credit their parents for nurturing their love for dancing. For some children, it’s a natural part of growing up. If your house was always full of music and movement during your childhood, chances are your own home is now chez cha-cha!   As we gather to celebrate the moms out… Read More

Let the Season Put a Spring in Your Step

Depending on where you live, you may not be “seeing” much of spring, but chances are your body is already starting to feel it. This transition from winter to spring is a joyous time. In the winter our bodies may have felt like they’ve slowed down, mimicking nature. But even though some parts of our… Read More

Ballroom Dancing When Kids Go Back to School

For many families, the end of summer and start of the school year mean a return to those old familiar routines:  early morning alarms, carpools, after-school sports, drive-through dinners on busy homework nights.   No one celebrates this time of year better than America’s favorite parody family! Cute and fun for families with young children. … Read More