How to Host a Halloween Masquerade

Masquerade balls are one of the most glamorous customs to come out of the medieval period. For hundreds of years, they waxed and waned as a result of the political views of whichever monarchy was in power, but they never completely went out of fashion. These gatherings cemented the popularity of ballroom dances such as… Read More

The Swing of Things: Dancing the Gender Line

A lot has happened this month in the world of dance — breaking down gender barriers, some spontaneous locker room dancing and just a whole lot of fun as people let loose and bust a move! Check out some of the dance moments we’ve been paying attention to: Male Dancer Tries Out for Miami Heat… Read More

10 Tips to make sure you have a memorable wedding dance

Just in time for the busy June wedding season, pros at your local Fred Astaire Dance Studios would love to share with your audience the critical steps for couples to perfect their first dance: Don’t let the dress “trip you up” – The bride and groom should practice dancing in their wedding clothes so they can… Read More